Moving Stories: FDN taking care of your furniture in transit

One major furniture manufacturer has significantly reduced the problems of damage during transit, after partnering with the Furniture Delivery Network, the world’s largest dedicated Furniture Logistics provider

Damage was reduced by a massive 9% to virtually zero after the company changed to FDN for its office furniture, retail and consumer online business. FDN has also been able to streamline the company’s entire delivery and installation operation.

“When we went into lockdown our client’s original provider simply shut up shop. We were asked to step in and not only have we been able to reduce lead-times for deliveries by some 50%, but have also been able to make significant savings by reducing the incidence of damage,” said Scott Dunn, FDN’s CEO.

“The company has three main streams of business which we have been able to consolidate into home deliveries for residential customers from their retail outlets and online and further deliveries of office and contract furniture to commercial premises.”

FDN has also brought in technology by introducing its own automated inventory system which involves Wi-Fi scanning to ensure complete control of stock while it is in the warehouse – a system the previous supplier was unable to offer.
